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The New Sylva
The New Sylva
Inspired by John Evelyn's 'Sylva' published in 1664, this breathtaking contemporary version intertwines art, science and history illustrated with over 200 exquisite drawings
Microcosmos: Four billion years of microbial evolution
Microcosmos: Four billion years of microbial evolution
Lynn Margulis provides a beautifully written and vivd new picture of evolution as a process based on interdependency and the interconnectedness of all life on the planet
Doubt grows over COP26 forest pledge
Doubt grows over COP26 forest pledge
More than 120 countries signed an agreement to stop deforestation. With activists expressing doubts about the realities of the commitments pledged calls are being made for countries to make their strategies public
The Paradox of Wealth: Capitalism and ecological destruction
The Paradox of Wealth: Capitalism and ecological destruction
'Monthly Review' discusses “sustainable capitalism” and its vision of a renewed strategy for profiting on planetary destruction
Challenges and Opportunities of Accounting for Harvested Wood Products
Challenges and Opportunities of Accounting for Harvested Wood Products
Carbon stock changes in HWP are not accounted for in the Kyoto Protocol. If HWP were accounted for countries choosing to account for HWP would have to be cautious not to compromise sustainable forest management
As the dust settles on COP26, what did it deliver for the world’s forests?
As the dust settles on COP26, what did it deliver for the world’s forests?
The voices and rights of Indigenous People and activists are crucial to halting climate breakdown and the destruction of the world’s remaining tropical rainforests. They are the real climate leaders
Timber is vital and all around us. It is the house that shelters us, the furniture we relax in, the books we read, the paper we print, and so much more.
Ecoforestry: the art and science of sustainable forest use
Ecoforestry: the art and science of sustainable forest use
North American forestry practices have until now been based on an industrial model now widely perceived to be unsustainable and obsolete. This book focuses on a new paradigm- philosophy, goals, policies, and practices
Global Forest Watch
Global Forest Watch
The best available data about forests available online for free, creating unprecedented transparency about what is happening in forests worldwide.
Wageningen University & Research: Root system drawings
Wageningen University & Research: Root system drawings
One hundred and eighty drawings of European forest trees and shrubs have been added to the WUR Image Collection Root System Drawings. The drawings depict 40 years of root system excavations in Europe
Multiaged Silviculture
Multiaged Silviculture
Published in 2014, this book presents scientific and management information on multiaged silviculture, an emerging strategy for managing forestry systems worldwide
Should Trees Have Standing: Law, morality, and the environment
Should Trees Have Standing: Law, morality, and the environment
Originally published in 1972, This book launched a worldwide debate on the basic nature of legal rights that reached the U.S. Supreme Court
Trase Yearbook 2020 (Transparent Supply chains for Sustainable Economies)
Trase Yearbook 2020 (Transparent Supply chains for Sustainable Economies)
A review of commodity deforestation and expansion, the traders and markets that dominate exports and their exposure to associated deforestation risk, and the effectiveness of zero-deforestation commitments
World of Matter
World of Matter
Multimedia project providing an open access archive on the global ecologies of resource exploitation and circulation
The public benefits of private forests
The public benefits of private forests
An ecosystem services valuation of private forest lands in Pierce County revealing the millions of dollars worth of ecosystem services provided annually
Thinking Like A Mountain
Thinking Like A Mountain
Documentary looking at the struggle of the Arhuaco, an isolated indigenous community in Colombia’s Sierra Nevada whose traditional way of life has been threatened by the armed conflict in Colombian and climate change
Fordaq manages the leading online market for more than 200,000 wood professionals (log producers, sawmills, veneer mills, panel producers, importers and large industrial users)
Substitution effects of wood-based products in climate change mitigation
Substitution effects of wood-based products in climate change mitigation
While the positive role of forests in climate change mitigation is generally well perceived, the contribution of wood products to mitigation is much less known and understood
The Global Forests Goal Report 2021
The Global Forests Goal Report 2021
Evaluation of where the world stands in implementing the UN's Strategic Plan for Forests 2030; a blueprint for forests and people expressed through six Global Forest Goals and 26 targets
Natural Capital Accounting
Natural Capital Accounting
Lars Hein's ecosystem accountant approach integrates spatial information like satellite images with statistical data to get valuable data about monitoring of land use.
Centrum Hout
Centrum Hout
Calculate how much CO2 is captured in your wood products. After harvesting wood for industrial purposes CO2 remains stored in the wood. This CO2 storage remains applicable as long as the wood is used as a product
Restoration for Whom, by Whom? A Feminist Political Ecology of Restoration
Restoration for Whom, by Whom? A Feminist Political Ecology of Restoration
Critical examination of the social inclusivity of restoration agendas, policies, and practices as these unfold across ecological and geographic scales.
In New Zealand, Lands and Rivers can be People (legally speaking)
In New Zealand, Lands and Rivers can be People (legally speaking)
Can a stretch of land be a person in the eyes of the law? Can a body of water? In NZ, they can; a former national park has been granted personhood
A Forest Journey: the role of wood in the development of civilisation
A Forest Journey: the role of wood in the development of civilisation
John Perlin chronicles the destruction of the world's forests through human's over dependence on wood for timber and energy
Taming The Garden
Taming The Garden
An ode to the rivalry between men and nature. The story of how a powerful man indulges in an unusual hobby by having century-old trees uprooted in communities along the Georgian coast and transplanted to his private garden
Illegal Logging Portal
Illegal Logging Portal
Hosted and maintained by Chatham House, provides information on illegal logging and the trade in illegal timber
EIA - Environmental Investigation Agency
EIA - Environmental Investigation Agency
An environmental organisation combineing undercover investigations of criminal activity, a variety of scientific, economic and social primary evidence, & campaigning expertise to achieve systemic environmental breakthrough
Life and Death of Data
Life and Death of Data
Yanni A. Loukissas remarkable series of data visualizations as an inquiry into the botanical data of Harvard University’s Arnold Arboretum
A Critique of Silviculture
A Critique of Silviculture
Driven by the dramatic change in public attitude towards forests since the 1980s and an increased understanding of the ecological importance of maintaining structurally and functionally diverse forests
Science, Environment, and Empire History: Comparative Perspectives from Forest in Colonial India
Science, Environment, and Empire History: Comparative Perspectives from Forest in Colonial India
A critical review of several books that have expanded the debates yielded by historical forestry and imperialism research
The wood from the trees: The use of timber in construction
The wood from the trees: The use of timber in construction
As wood is the only significant building material that is grown, we have a natural inclination that building in wood is good for the environment. But under what conditions is this really the case?
Carbon Offsets Are Not Our Get-Out-Of-Jail Free Cards
Carbon Offsets Are Not Our Get-Out-Of-Jail Free Cards
Buying carbon credits in exchange for a clean conscience continuing to fly, buying diesel cars and powering homes with fossil fuels is being challenged
Program Earth - Jennifer Gabrys: Citizen Sense
Program Earth - Jennifer Gabrys: Citizen Sense
Sensor-based monitoring offers the prospect of making new environments not simply as an extension of the human but as new “technogeographies” that connect technology, nature, and people
Incomes From The Forest: Methods for the development and conservation of forest products and for local communities
Incomes From The Forest: Methods for the development and conservation of forest products and for local communities
To resolve growing tension between local people’s livelihood needs and conservation aims, there has been significant interest worldwide in uses of forests that are compatible with conservation
The Mediated Planet
The Mediated Planet
Teresa Castro's essay on the shift plants are seeing across different fields of knowledge and creation as they step out of the 'background'
Future Forestry
Future Forestry
A talk about growing timber by Andrew Heald, Forestry Consultant. This talk was given to RFS South Western Division members following the Divisional AGM on 11 February 2021
Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN)
Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN)
GTTN promotes the operationalisation of innovative tools for species identification and for determining the geographic origin of wood to verify trade claims
Of Messiness, Systems and Sustainability: Towards a more social and environmental finance and accounting
Of Messiness, Systems and Sustainability: Towards a more social and environmental finance and accounting
A concern with social and environmental accounting automatically forces one to raise basic questions about (what is conventionally thought of as) accounting and finance - its foundations, its purposes, its assumptions
Unasylva- 300 years of sustainable forestry
Unasylva- 300 years of sustainable forestry
Foresters tend to take a long-term view because trees take so long to grow. That may explain why foresters have led the way in developing the modern concept of sustainability
Le Quattro Volte (trailer)
Le Quattro Volte (trailer)
Inspired by four-fold transmigration where the soul is passed from human to animal to vegetable to mineral this docu-essay traces the cycles of life and questions perception
IKEA - Setting the goals
IKEA - Setting the goals
Henrik Elm addresses the challenge – how can we continue to produce furniture made from wood, while still having a positive impact on the worlds’ forests?
How Forests Think: Toward an anthropology beyond the human
How Forests Think: Toward an anthropology beyond the human
Eduardo Kohn takes anthropology in a new and exciting direction that offers a more capacious way to think about the world we share with other kinds of beings.
Finding the Mother Tree : Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest
Finding the Mother Tree : Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest
Suzanne Simard shares the secrets of a lifetime spent uncovering startling truths about trees: their cooperation, healing capacity, memory, wisdom and sentience.
Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis
Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis
This book argues that Exceptionalism, a rigid psychological mindset is largely responsible for the climate crisis and considers false beliefs that people feel entitled to
Restoring the ancient Caledonian Forest
Restoring the ancient Caledonian Forest
Alan Watson Featherstone founder of Trees for Life gives a talk at TEDxFindhorn about his life-long commitment to restore the ancient Caledonian Forest.
10 Millions +1 (The Activists)
10 Millions +1 (The Activists)
Composed of footage gathered for court, this film tells the fragmented story of the fight between activists and loggers in the primeval Białowieża Forest
Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the accumulation of capital
Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the accumulation of capital
Jason W. Moore argues that the sources of today’s global turbulence have a common cause: capitalism as a way of organizing nature, including human nature.
Nature By Design: People, natural process, and ecological restoration
Nature By Design: People, natural process, and ecological restoration
Eric Higgs explores the ethical and philosophical bases of restoration, the question of what constitutes good ecological restoration, and the profound philosophical and cultural shifts that accompany these projects.
Textures of the Anthropocene: Grain vapor ray
Textures of the Anthropocene: Grain vapor ray
Approaching an age of human-made nature through the particulate, the volatile, and the radiant. We have entered the Anthropocene era- a geological age of our own making
How Trees Talk To Each Other
How Trees Talk To Each Other
Suzanne Simard talks about the harmonious yet complicated social lives of trees and prepare to see the natural world with new eyes.
The Thunen Centre of Competence on the Origin of Timber
The Thunen Centre of Competence on the Origin of Timber
Global changes and developments in the international trade with wood and wood products requires reliable control mechanisms for identification of timber species, their geographic origin, & assessment of product properties
Participating with Nature
Participating with Nature
In the modern 'scientific' era participating with nature is something that seems to have become almost totally unfamiliar to us, something that is past and, according to many, can never return
RAISG - Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network
RAISG - Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network
RAISG is a consortium of civil society organisations from the Amazon countries, supported by international partners, concerned with the socio-environmental sustainability of Amazonia
Europe losing forest to harvesting at alarming rate, data suggests
Europe losing forest to harvesting at alarming rate, data suggests
Increases of forest lost to harvesting in recent years suggests a potential reduction of the continent’s carbon absorption capacity and possibly indicates wider problems with the EU’s attempts to combat the climate crisis
A Complete Guide to Carbon Offsetting
A Complete Guide to Carbon Offsetting
Duncan Clark summarises the offsetting debate in this edited extract from The Rough Guide to Green Living
Interscalar Vehicles for the African Anthropocene: on waste, temporality, and violence
Interscalar Vehicles for the African Anthropocene: on waste, temporality, and violence
How can we incorporate humanist critiques of the Anthropocene while harnessing the notion’s potential for challenging political imagination?
Waorani Resistance Campaign
Waorani Resistance Campaign
After years of community-led territorial mapping and frontlines organising, the Waorani people of Pastaza province have united to defend one of the last oil-free roadless areas of their ancestral territory
Wild Foresting: Practising nature's wisdom
Wild Foresting: Practising nature's wisdom
Drengson and Taylor remind us that the knowledge exists to restore and sustain the ecological health of out forests, and to restore our relationship with the land. The next step is having the will to use that knowledge
A better future for our woodlands:12 ideas to help British forests grow
A better future for our woodlands:12 ideas to help British forests grow
Experts from different backgrounds and perspectives suggest 12 policy ideas to help future UK forests grow for the UK government ahead of COP26
Global Witness
Global Witness
Irresponsible businesses including financial institutions are driving the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests, and the communities and biodiversity that rely on them
In The Forest Ruins
In The Forest Ruins
In 1986, during a flight over southwest Amazonia, the geographer Alceu Ranzi noticed a huge geometric earthwork cut through the middle of a vast tract of deforested land
Temporal Decay in Timber Species Composition and Value in Amazonian Logging Concessions
Temporal Decay in Timber Species Composition and Value in Amazonian Logging Concessions
Documented patterns of timber extraction by volume, species composition, and monetary value along ageing eastern Amazonian logging frontiers